Getting started (Developing)

Last modified
Sunday, June 7, 2020 - 07:19


Every developer of LedgerSMB, regardless of whether a UI developer, database developer or otherwise, needs to go through a series of steps to get set up. This page lists the steps to go through to get set up. The instructions below assume familiarity with GitHub and that you have forked the LedgerSMB repository. If not, then read these GitHub instructions about forking, Keeping your Fork Synced with Upstream, Creating and deleting branches and Opening pull requests.

Summary of resources

When getting started to develop LedgerSMB, you need the following overview of resources:

The technical documentation includes the Source tree layout which describes what can be found in which directory, which will help you find your way around.

Setting up a development environment

The quickest way to get a development environment up, is probably by using the Docker development image.