
Installing LedgerSMB 1.5

Submitted by ehu on

This content is outdated and kept here for reference only!

This page contains the comprehensive version with the installation instructions for LedgerSMB 1.5 (as of 1.5.0) targetting a production installation from release tarballs and deals with these steps:

  • Installing the LedgerSMB Perl module dependencies
  • Configuring the PostgreSQL server
  • Configuring a webserver
  • Configuring LedgerSMB

If you already have all of the above, proceed to the "Preparing for first use" guide.

System requirements

Hardware requirements

The hardware required to run LedgerSMB greatly depends on the number of users. However, with up to 10 users, a 32bit server with 1GB of memory (including Linux Server OS) and just a few hundred MB of storage (excluding OS) should be enough to get good performance.
For a 64bit server, you need 2GB of memory, but otherwise the requirements are the same.

Ubuntu Installation Tutorial: LedgerSMB-1.3-SERIES

Submitted by Chris Travers on

This content is outdated and kept here for reference only!

These installation instructions are outdated and kept here for reference only!

Check the 1.5 installation instructions up to date instructions.



(Open source accounting/ERP application on Ubuntu Oneric Ocelot Ubuntu 11.10)


Update: mai 2012