The LedgerSMB team is pleased to announce the release of LedgerSMB 1.2.14 which is available from the SourceForge download page.
This release corrects a number of minor bugs including those relating to reporting, LaTeX templates, and the like.
Please click 'Read more' to view the change log for 1.2.14.
Changelog for 1.2.14
* Build.PL now requires Test::Trap (Chris T, 1872529)
* Fixed double escaping of tex under some circumstances (Seneca)
* Added fix for bad summary information in AR/AP transactions (1800065,
1800069, Chris T)
* Fixed posting issue behind AR/AP transaction report anomilies (Chris T)
* Fixed taxes added twice when viewing existing transaction (Chris T)
* Fixed erroneous discount lines in POS invoice (Chris T)