1.4.18 Released

Submitted by Chris Travers on
Security release
Release candidate

The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application. This release
contains the following fixes and improvements:

Changelog for 1.4.18
* New feature:  Create users from setup.pl with no new perms (GH 883, Chris T)
* Fixed Net Book Value reporting '0' before depreciation (GH 879, ChrisT)
* Fixed permissions entering assets (GH 878, ChrisT)
* Removed broken handling of old datestyle settings (Chris T)
* Fixed #765, manage_users broken on db creation (Chris T)
* Fixed date showing up as PGDate::Hash on Asset report (Chris T)
* Removed unused pos_invoice.txt (GH #875, Chris T)
* Fixed SF1312, receipt not skipped on empty pay field (Chris T)
* Fixed SF1315, inv/part problems when heading/acc have same accno (Chris T)
* Fixed cannot create user with same user id as already in db (GH882 Chris T)
* Fixed sales checkbox doesnt save or display correctly (GH877, Chris T)
* Fixed orders search not respecting name field (SF1345, Chris T)
* Fixed role_prefix not committed after Copy Database (GH964, NickP)
* Add datepicker widget to Transaction Form date fields (NickP)
* Fixed invoice query not showing addresses for persons (Rami H
* Fixed ar/ap handling with calculated taxes.

ChrisT is Chris Travers
NickP is Nick Prater
Rami H is Rami Hovi

