1.7.29 Released
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.7.29
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.7.29
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.7.28
* Improve upgrades in light of files attached to transactions
* Fix 1.3 upgrade breaking on default currency function type
* Fix duplicate key error in upgrade data validation
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.7.27
* Fix Number not updated by 'Save as New' on order and quote (#5382)
* Performance improvements through added database indexes
* Fix failure to save purchase shipping addresses and contacts (#5289)
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.7.26
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.7.25
* Faster GL account tree consistency check
* Maintain consistency between ar/ap/gl and transactions tables on delete
* Fix CSV import of inventory adjustment
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.7.24
* Fix 'Approved'/'Unapproved' filter in GL Search not working (#5181)
For installation instructions and system requirements, see
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.7.23
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.7.22
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.7.21
The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application.
This release contains the following fixes and improvements:
Changelog for 1.7.20