Preparing LedgerSMB 1.12 for first use

Submitted by ehu on

This page explains how to set up LedgerSMB's first company after having completed installation, e.g. through the docker-compose.yml file. Please note that your full URL may differ depending on your installation method.

In case you just completed the quick-start instructions, the base URL at which LedgerSMB is accessible is http://localhost:5762 (If you have a full production setup, you shouldn't need the port indicator [the ":5762" part]). There are two URLs (entry-points) you can use to access the application, each with a specific purpose:

  • / [full URL: http://localhost:5762/ ] is the main tool for the database admin ("postgres" [or "lsmb_dbadmin" if you created it]); it serves to create new companies, create copies of companies, add users to companies and reset user's passwords;
  • / [full URL: http://localhost:5762/ ] provides access to all other types of users.

Creating the first company

After browsing to, the browser should show:

Setup login screen

In case the screen only shows the "Database" field, this indicates problems with JavaScript not having loaded correctly. Fill out the fields as follows:

Credentials per set-up method
Credential GitHub Quickstart* Installing LedgerSMB 1.12
Super-user login postgres lsmb_admin
Password abc <the password used in the installation>
Database testcompany testcompany

* Note that the GitHub Quickstart PostgreSQL password can be changed by setting the "POSTGRESS_PASSWORD" environment variable when running the docker-compose command. It's a good idea to use a secure password for production installations!

Confirm the screen by clicking "Create". When the server is done creating the database for the company, a new screen will be returned. This can take up to 30 seconds.

The resulting screen shows:

Select chart of accounts (pre-selection: country)Click "Skip" in order to skip loading a pre-defined Chart of Accounts. Select a country and click Next to list the pre-defined charts of accounts.

The resulting screen then shows a list of available Charts of Accounts:

Chart of accounts selection step 2 (country-chart & gifi selection)

The screen above isn't shown when "Skip" was selected in the step before. Clicking "Skip" in this screen skips loading a pre-defined chart of accounts.

Regardless of whether CoA loading was skipped or performed, the following screen will be presented:

Selection of templates for printed documents (invoices, etc.)

Select 'demo' templates; this is the only set available out of the box. You can develop your own, if that makes sense for your business. After confirming the selection by clicking "Load Templates", the following screen shows:

Creation of the first user

With this screen, the first user for this company gets created. There are two modes:

  • Import (Yes): Assumes the username already exists in the database (e.g. because it is already used for another company; re-uses the existing username+password)
  • Create (No): Assumes the username does not already exist; will create a new username

The "Assign Permissions" selection determines the rights assigned to the user:

  • "Full Permissions": The user may perform any task in the application
  • "Manage Users": The user has just enough rights to create new users who have appropriate rights

For the purpose of this quick-start guide, enter the following details:

  • Username: first_user
  • Password: first_user
  • Import: No
  • Salutation: Mr
  • First Name: First
  • Last Name: User
  • Employee Number: 1
  • Date of Birth: (today's date)
  • Tax ID/SSN: 1
  • Country: (your country)
  • Assign Permissions: Full Permissions

After confirming these data by clicking the "Create User" button, the following screen shows:

Confirmation of database creation (completed)

First user login

The "Start Using LedgerSMB" link opens the main application login screen, which can be used to log in using the initial user created above:

Application login

Confirming login results in the following page*:

Initial application screen

* Note that the picture shows company name "test10", but when succinctly following the instructions, it should show "testcompany".

Database administration of first company

Once the testcompany has been created, it can be logged into through as well as through When logging in through, the following screen with database administration functions shows:

Database management console (

What's next?

The system is now set up for evaluation and testing. The project has multiple channels to contact other users or the developers. Read all about that on the community project resources page.

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