1.3.47 Released

Submitted by ehu on
Security release
Release candidate

The LedgerSMB development team is happy to announce yet another new
version of its open source ERP and accounting application. This release
will be the final release in the 1.3 series. New releases will be published
in the 1.4 series and the upcoming 1.5 series. This release
contains the following fixes and improvements:

Changelog for 1.3.47

  • Fixed bug 1271, default payment account not set on 2nd line (Chris T)
  • Fixed bug 1275, post error due to trying to double encode arry (Chris T)
  • Fixed some errors on some browsers whgo can't handle empty resps (Chris T)
  • Fixed nbv showing blanks instead of numbers before depreciation (Chris T)

Chris T is Chris Travers

The release can be downloaded from sourceforge at

These are the sha256 checksums of the uploaded files:
39188f46b275bde8adfbaff0ad1933d31de6839df97761e609e59382213b1ccc ledgersmb-1.3.47.tar.gz
a7ba41df901cea209b59f77ae35b331065c0a2fa808bc797852213fc28cf3770 ledgersmb-1.3.47.tar.gz.asc
